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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106377442

Words: poem, verse_form

Gloss: a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines

hypernym 106364329 - literary_composition, literary_work
part meronym 106347996 - line_of_poetry, line_of_verse
hyponym 106377971 - abecedarius
hyponym 106378104 - Alcaic, Alcaic_verse
hyponym 106378298 - ballad, lay
hyponym 106378427 - ballade
hyponym 106378524 - blank_verse
hyponym 106379568 - elegy, lament
hyponym 106379721 - epic, epic_poem, epos, heroic_poem
hyponym 106380373 - free_verse, vers_libre
hyponym 106380495 - haiku
hyponym 106380726 - lyric, lyric_poem
hyponym 106380879 - rondeau, rondel
hyponym 106381372 - sonnet
hyponym 106381594 - tanka
hyponym 106381761 - terza_rima
hyponym 106381869 - rhyme, verse
part meronym 106384269 - canto
part meronym 106384708 - verse, verse_line
hyponym 106385244 - versicle
part meronym 107052291 - stanza
part meronym 107093895 - poetic_rhythm, prosody, rhythmic_pattern
part meronym 107096661 - rhyme, rime

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