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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106339416

Words: form_of_address, title, title_of_respect

Gloss: an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General'; "the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title"

hypernym 106338908 - appellation, appellative, denomination, designation
derivationally related 302816198 - titular
hyponym 106340047 - Aga, Agha
hyponym 106340182 - Defender_of_the_Faith
hyponym 106340395 - Don
hyponym 106340563 - Dona
hyponym 106340707 - Frau
hyponym 106340838 - Fraulein
hyponym 106340977 - Hakham
hyponym 106341127 - Herr
hyponym 106341249 - Miss
hyponym 106341340 - Mister, Mr, Mr.
hyponym 106341431 - Mrs, Mrs.
hyponym 106341525 - Ms, Ms.
hyponym 106341609 - Rabbi
hyponym 106341773 - Reverend
hyponym 106341862 - Senor
hyponym 106342015 - Senora
hyponym 106342182 - Senorita
hyponym 106342362 - Signora
hyponym 106342490 - Signorina
hyponym 106342623 - Very_Reverend
hyponym 110081204 - Father, Padre

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