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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106228549

Words: Protestantism

Gloss: the theological system of any of the churches of western Christendom that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation

hypernym 106226057 - Christian_religion, Christianity
hyponym 105946582 - predestinarianism
hyponym 106229106 - Anglicanism
hyponym 106229586 - Arminianism
hyponym 106229853 - Calvinism
hyponym 106230060 - Christian_Science
hyponym 106230208 - Lutheranism
hyponym 106230358 - Unitarianism
hyponym 106230502 - Trinitarianism
hyponym 106230613 - Congregationalism
hyponym 106230809 - Mennonitism
hyponym 106231030 - evangelicalism
hyponym 106231328 - fundamentalism
hyponym 106231494 - Methodism
hyponym 106231680 - Wesleyanism, Wesleyism
hyponym 106231794 - Anabaptism
hyponym 106232047 - Baptistic_doctrine
hyponym 106232166 - Mormonism
hyponym 106232298 - pentecostalism
hyponym 106232499 - Presbyterianism
hyponym 106232635 - Puritanism

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