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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106212839

Words: ideology, political_orientation, political_theory

Gloss: an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation

hypernym 106208021 - orientation
derivationally related 110197392 - ideologist, ideologue
attribute 300574422 - conservative
attribute 300575230 - liberal
derivationally related 302745555 - ideological
hyponym 106213688 - absolutism, totalism, totalitarianism
hyponym 106213890 - anarchism
hyponym 106214020 - autocracy
hyponym 106214379 - centrism, moderatism
hyponym 106214580 - collectivism
hyponym 106214744 - communism
hyponym 106216160 - conservatism, conservativism
hyponym 106216805 - segregationism
hyponym 106216948 - constitutionalism
hyponym 106217103 - democracy
hyponym 106217318 - social_democracy
hyponym 106217464 - domino_theory
hyponym 106217657 - elitism
hyponym 106217806 - extremism
hyponym 106217944 - fascism
hyponym 106218162 - federalism
hyponym 106218308 - imperialism
hyponym 106218459 - leftism
hyponym 106218623 - liberalism
hyponym 106218824 - meritocracy
hyponym 106219185 - libertarianism
hyponym 106219300 - monarchism
hyponym 106219415 - Negritude
hyponym 106219613 - Orleanism
hyponym 106219711 - progressivism
hyponym 106219875 - radicalism
hyponym 106220199 - reactionism
hyponym 106220299 - republicanism
hyponym 106220449 - rightism
hyponym 106220616 - socialism
hyponym 106221224 - theocracy
hyponym 106221323 - Utopianism
hyponym 106221485 - dovishness
hyponym 106221790 - hawkishness

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