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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105765415

Words: symbol, symbolic_representation, symbolisation, symbolization

Gloss: something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible; "the eagle is a symbol of the United States"

hypernym 105765159 - representational_process
derivationally related 200836236 - represent, stand_for, symbolise, symbolize, typify
derivationally related 200836236 - represent, stand_for, symbolise, symbolize, typify
derivationally related 301982186 - emblematic, emblematical, symbolic, symbolical
derivationally related 302806907 - symbolic, symbolical
derivationally related 301982186 - emblematic, emblematical, symbolic, symbolical
derivationally related 200836236 - represent, stand_for, symbolise, symbolize, typify
derivationally related 200836236 - represent, stand_for, symbolise, symbolize, typify
hyponym 106807971 - crossbones
hyponym 106808121 - cornucopia, horn_of_plenty
hyponym 106808271 - death's_head
hyponym 106809291 - oriflamme
hyponym 106856487 - white_feather
hyponym 106880664 - allegory, emblem

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