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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 105678932

Words: unconsciousness

Gloss: a state lacking normal awareness of the self or environment

hypernym 105669934 - cognitive_state, state_of_mind
derivationally related 300192332 - unconscious
derivationally related 300571643 - unconscious
antonym 105675130 - consciousness
hyponym 105679305 - automatic_pilot, autopilot
hyponym 105679611 - unawareness, unknowingness
hyponym 105679800 - blackout
hyponym 105679906 - grogginess, semiconsciousness, stupefaction, stupor
hyponym 105680193 - coma, comatoseness
hyponym 105680684 - electrosleep
hyponym 105680839 - semicoma
hyponym 105680982 - insensibility
hyponym 105681334 - trance
hyponym 105681543 - semitrance
hyponym 105682055 - narcosis

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