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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105585665

Words: skeletal_structure

Gloss: any structure created by the skeleton of an organism

hypernym 105225602 - anatomical_structure, bodily_structure, body_structure, complex_body_part, structure
part holonym 105585383 - frame, skeletal_system, skeleton, systema_skeletale
hyponym 105553768 - rib_cage
hyponym 105576573 - arch
hyponym 105578095 - heel
hyponym 105578911 - girdle
hyponym 105585999 - column
hyponym 105587034 - appendicular_skeleton
hyponym 105587288 - axial_skeleton
hyponym 105588174 - back, backbone, rachis, spinal_column, spine, vertebral_column
hyponym 105593871 - metacarpus
hyponym 105594568 - metatarsus
hyponym 105594822 - tarsus

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