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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105564590

Words: hand, manus, mitt, paw

Gloss: the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt"

hypernym 105566919 - extremity
part holonym 105563770 - arm
part holonym 102472293 - homo, human, human_being, man
derivationally related 201211098 - paw
derivationally related 202230772 - give, hand, pass, pass_on, reach, turn_over
part meronym 105344514 - arteria_digitalis, digital_arteries
part meronym 105352291 - arteria_metacarpea, metacarpal_artery
part meronym 105370410 - intercapitular_vein, vena_intercapitalis
part meronym 105373790 - metacarpal_vein, vena_metacarpus
hyponym 105565064 - clenched_fist, fist
hyponym 105565192 - hooks, maulers, meat_hooks
hyponym 105565337 - right, right_hand
hyponym 105565548 - left, left_hand
part meronym 105565696 - palm, thenar
part meronym 105566504 - finger
part meronym 105576194 - ball
part meronym 105593871 - metacarpus

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