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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105474346

Words: nerve, nervus

Gloss: any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body

hypernym 105475681 - fascicle, fasciculus, fiber_bundle, fibre_bundle
derivationally related 302904518 - nervous, neural
part meronym 105236152 - radicle
part meronym 105464104 - nerve_fiber, nerve_fibre
part meronym 105473928 - synapse
hyponym 105474738 - efferent, efferent_nerve, motor_nerve
hyponym 105475134 - afferent, afferent_nerve, sensory_nerve
hyponym 105476256 - cranial_nerve
hyponym 105476592 - depressor, depressor_nerve
hyponym 105504807 - musculospiral_nerve, nervus_radialis, radial_nerve
hyponym 105505479 - splanchnic_nerve
hyponym 105567875 - nervus_ischiadicus, sciatic_nerve
hyponym 105568349 - nervus_saphenus, saphenous_nerve
hyponym 105568767 - cubital_nerve, nervus_ulnaris, ulnar_nerve
hyponym 105569053 - nervus_spinalis, spinal_nerve

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