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Noun Synset: 105269901

Words: bone, os

Gloss: rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates

hypernym 105286536 - connective_tissue
part holonym 105586446 - endoskeleton
substance holonym 101325417 - horn
derivationally related 303138224 - bony, osseous, osteal
derivationally related 300295657 - boney, bony
derivationally related 300295657 - boney, bony
derivationally related 105277728 - bonelet, ossicle, ossiculum
hyponym 101895355 - furcula
hyponym 102322817 - splint_bone
hyponym 102462066 - fetter_bone, pastern
hyponym 102463024 - cannon_bone
hyponym 102467491 - fishbone
hyponym 105271383 - anklebone, astragal, astragalus, talus
hyponym 105271607 - bare_bone
hyponym 105271685 - cuboid_bone
hyponym 105271814 - carpal, carpal_bone, wrist_bone
hyponym 105273555 - cartilage_bone
hyponym 105273684 - centrum
hyponym 105273822 - cheekbone, jugal_bone, malar, malar_bone, os_zygomaticum, zygomatic, zygomatic_bone
hyponym 105274105 - clavicle, collarbone
hyponym 105274247 - coccyx, tail_bone
hyponym 105274446 - dentin, dentine
hyponym 105274590 - ethmoid, ethmoid_bone
hyponym 105274808 - calcaneus, heelbone, os_tarsi_fibulare
hyponym 105274959 - hipbone, innominate_bone
hyponym 105275162 - hyoid, hyoid_bone, os_hyoideum
hyponym 105275315 - ilium
hyponym 105275466 - ischial_bone, ischium, os_ischii
hyponym 105275651 - long_bone, os_longum
hyponym 105276290 - ramus
hyponym 105276860 - membrane_bone
hyponym 105277261 - metacarpal, metacarpal_bone
hyponym 105277405 - metatarsal
hyponym 105277532 - nasal, nasal_bone, os_nasale
hyponym 105277728 - bonelet, ossicle, ossiculum
hyponym 105278152 - os_palatinum, palatine, palatine_bone
hyponym 105278584 - phalanx
hyponym 105278714 - os_pubis, pubic_bone, pubis
hyponym 105279026 - costa, rib
hyponym 105279321 - round_bone
hyponym 105279407 - sacrum
hyponym 105279688 - scapula, shoulder_blade, shoulder_bone
hyponym 105280512 - os_sesamoideum, sesamoid, sesamoid_bone
hyponym 105280698 - os_breve, short_bone
part meronym 105280831 - socket
hyponym 105280998 - os_sphenoidale, sphenoid, sphenoid_bone
hyponym 105281189 - breastbone, sternum
hyponym 105281452 - corpus_sternum, gladiolus
hyponym 105281584 - manubrium
hyponym 105281691 - xiphoid_process
hyponym 105281874 - tarsal, tarsal_bone
hyponym 105282000 - os_temporale, temporal_bone
hyponym 105282746 - tooth
hyponym 105283816 - turbinal, turbinate, turbinate_bone
hyponym 105284020 - tympanic_bone
hyponym 105284333 - vertebra
hyponym 105284851 - arcus_zygomaticus, zygoma, zygomatic_arch
part meronym 105285623 - bone_marrow, marrow
substance meronym 105287090 - collagen
hyponym 105322735 - modiolus
part meronym 105326060 - lamella
hyponym 105332225 - lacrimal_bone
part meronym 105447599 - bone_cell
part meronym 105471629 - condyle
part meronym 105472032 - coronoid_process, processus_coronoideus
hyponym 105540121 - skull
hyponym 105540407 - calvaria, skullcap
hyponym 105540513 - braincase, brainpan, cranium
hyponym 105540976 - occiput
hyponym 105541097 - sinciput
hyponym 105546040 - jaw
part meronym 105582305 - ground_substance, intercellular_substance, matrix
hyponym 105610734 - vomer
hyponym 105610919 - Wormian_bone, sutural_bone
hyponym 107872915 - marrowbone
substance meronym 114757848 - bone, osseous_tissue

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