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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105177285

Words: legal_right

Gloss: a right based in law

hypernym 105174653 - right
hyponym 105177705 - compulsory_process
hyponym 105177897 - conjugal_right
hyponym 105178220 - conjugal_visitation, conjugal_visitation_right
hyponym 105178571 - pre-emption, preemption
hyponym 105181199 - claim, title
hyponym 105187187 - eminent_domain
hyponym 105187446 - enfranchisement, franchise
hyponym 105188646 - patent_right
hyponym 105188801 - right_of_election
hyponym 105189057 - right_of_entry
hyponym 105189208 - right_of_re-entry
hyponym 105189396 - right_of_offset
hyponym 105189591 - right_of_privacy
hyponym 105189946 - seat
hyponym 105190106 - enjoyment, use
hyponym 105190356 - usufruct
hyponym 105190586 - visitation_right
hyponym 106473168 - copyright, right_of_first_publication
hyponym 113242719 - land_tenure, tenure

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