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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105168261

Words: importance

Gloss: the quality of being important and worthy of note; "the importance of a well-balanced diet"

hypernym 105138488 - value
derivationally related 302161432 - important, significant
derivationally related 300655779 - crucial, important
derivationally related 301275562 - important, of_import
antonym 105172596 - unimportance
attribute 301275562 - important, of_import
attribute 301279978 - unimportant
hyponym 105168697 - big_deal
hyponym 105168890 - magnitude
hyponym 105169037 - account
hyponym 105169412 - momentousness
hyponym 105169507 - prominence
hyponym 105169601 - greatness, illustriousness
hyponym 105169813 - significance
hyponym 105171045 - essentiality, essentialness
hyponym 105171800 - urgency
hyponym 105172322 - weight, weightiness

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