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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105138488

Words: value

Gloss: the quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable; "the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world"

hypernym 105138208 - worth
derivationally related 200681429 - appraise, assess, evaluate, measure, valuate, value
derivationally related 200681429 - appraise, assess, evaluate, measure, valuate, value
hyponym 105141222 - invaluableness, preciousness, pricelessness, valuableness
hyponym 105145118 - cost, monetary_value, price
hyponym 105163807 - cost, price, toll
hyponym 105164101 - richness
hyponym 105168261 - importance
hyponym 105172596 - unimportance
hyponym 113256894 - national_income
hyponym 113257098 - GNP, gross_national_product
hyponym 113257511 - GDP, gross_domestic_product
hyponym 113335635 - face_value, nominal_value, par_value
hyponym 113337146 - book_value
hyponym 113337322 - market_price, market_value
hyponym 113373214 - monetary_standard, standard

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