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Gloss: a refined quality of gracefulness and good taste; "she conveys an aura of elegance and gentility"
hypernym 104723816 - quality
derivationally related 301142069 - elegant, graceful, refined
derivationally related 300849357 - elegant
antonym 104815321 - inelegance
hyponym 104812871 - dash, elan, flair, panache, style
hyponym 104813066 - daintiness, delicacy, fineness
hyponym 104813283 - courtliness
hyponym 104813395 - tastefulness
hyponym 104813540 - breeding, genteelness, gentility
hyponym 104813712 - chic, chichi, chicness, last_word, modishness, smartness, stylishness, swank
hyponym 104814238 - brilliance, grandeur, grandness, magnificence, splendor, splendour
hyponym 104815002 - eclat, pomp
hyponym 104815177 - class
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