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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 104767347

Words: regularity

Gloss: the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate; "he was famous for the regularity of his habits"

hypernym 104723816 - quality
derivationally related 300489863 - regular
derivationally related 302302187 - even, regular
derivationally related 302296632 - regular
derivationally related 302366927 - regular
derivationally related 301595312 - regular
derivationally related 301067003 - regular, steady
derivationally related 301959294 - regular
antonym 104770211 - irregularity, unregularity
attribute 301959294 - regular
attribute 301960656 - irregular
hyponym 104767805 - cyclicity, periodicity
hyponym 104768483 - methodicalness, orderliness
hyponym 104769049 - uniformity
hyponym 104769456 - evenness, invariability
hyponym 104769988 - even_spacing
hyponym 104770068 - steadiness

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