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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 104743605

Words: similarity

Gloss: the quality of being similar

hypernym 104742535 - sameness
derivationally related 302381495 - similar
derivationally related 301978532 - exchangeable, interchangeable, similar, standardised, standardized
derivationally related 301410606 - alike, like, similar
derivationally related 301409581 - like, similar
derivationally related 302071420 - similar
antonym 104750164 - dissimilarity, unsimilarity
attribute 302071420 - similar
attribute 302073113 - dissimilar
hyponym 104744032 - approximation
hyponym 104744161 - homogeny
hyponym 104744319 - homology
hyponym 104744555 - homomorphism, homomorphy
hyponym 104744645 - isomorphism, isomorphy
hyponym 104744814 - alikeness, likeness, similitude
hyponym 104745240 - correspondence, parallelism
hyponym 104745370 - uniformity, uniformness
hyponym 104746134 - approach
hyponym 104746262 - sort
hyponym 104746430 - analog, analogue, parallel

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