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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 104682462

Words: dapple, fleck, maculation, patch, speckle, spot

Gloss: a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red"

hypernym 104680285 - marking
derivationally related 201531998 - blob, blot, fleck, spot
derivationally related 300912814 - patchy
derivationally related 202357693 - patch
derivationally related 200510364 - cloud, dapple, mottle
derivationally related 201538310 - bespeckle, speckle
derivationally related 201538469 - speckle, stipple
derivationally related 200509607 - spot
hyponym 104681230 - pinpoint, speck
hyponym 104682184 - nebula
hyponym 104682319 - splash
hyponym 104683002 - fret, worn_spot
hyponym 105244239 - plaque
hyponym 105244934 - macula, macule
hyponym 111487732 - mock_sun, parhelion, sundog
hyponym 111511004 - macula, sunspot
hyponym 111511176 - facula
hyponym 111511327 - facula

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