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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 104074482

Words: curative, cure, remedy, therapeutic

Gloss: a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain

hypernym 103740161 - medicament, medication, medicinal_drug, medicine
part holonym 100658082 - intervention, treatment
derivationally related 200081725 - bring_around, cure, heal
derivationally related 301165943 - alterative, curative, healing, remedial, sanative, therapeutic
derivationally related 200082563 - relieve, remedy
hyponym 102675987 - acoustic
hyponym 102719588 - antidote, counterpoison
hyponym 103283519 - emetic, nauseant, vomit, vomitive
hyponym 103656374 - lenitive
hyponym 103691128 - application, lotion
hyponym 103704640 - magic_bullet
hyponym 103845550 - balm, ointment, salve, unction, unguent
hyponym 103879854 - alleviant, alleviator, palliative
hyponym 103880770 - catholicon, cure-all, nostrum, panacea
hyponym 104002026 - preventative, preventive, prophylactic

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