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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103959936

Words: plate

Gloss: a sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic

hypernym 104188643 - flat_solid, sheet
derivationally related 201395049 - plate
hyponym 102772868 - baffle, baffle_board
hyponym 103156606 - cylinder_head
hyponym 103161725 - damper
hyponym 103208556 - disc, disk
hyponym 103289025 - engraving
hyponym 103296597 - escutcheon
hyponym 103343047 - fin_keel
hyponym 103352853 - fishplate
hyponym 103458753 - grid, storage-battery_grid
hyponym 103471347 - gusset, gusset_plate
hyponym 103635452 - lamella
hyponym 103661180 - license_plate, numberplate
hyponym 103694761 - L-plate
hyponym 103806652 - nameplate
hyponym 103961250 - plate_iron
hyponym 103961503 - platen
hyponym 103966582 - plessimeter, pleximeter
hyponym 104391276 - tap

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