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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103875218

Words: paint, pigment

Gloss: a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating; "artists use `paint' and `pigment' interchangeably"

hypernym 103058107 - coat, coating
hypernym 114984973 - color, coloring_material, colour, colouring_material
derivationally related 201363482 - paint
derivationally related 201684663 - paint
derivationally related 201362736 - paint
derivationally related 201684899 - paint
hyponym 102677136 - acrylic, acrylic_paint
hyponym 102720048 - antifouling_paint
hyponym 103058949 - coat_of_paint
hyponym 103212698 - distemper
hyponym 103284886 - enamel
hyponym 103285578 - encaustic
hyponym 103342015 - finger_paint, fingerpaint
hyponym 103546112 - house_paint, housepaint
hyponym 103844233 - oil_paint
hyponym 104172230 - semigloss
hyponym 104287898 - spray_paint
hyponym 104557308 - water-base_paint
substance meronym 114989820 - pigment

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