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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103574816

Words: instrument

Gloss: a device that requires skill for proper use

hypernym 103183080 - device
hyponym 102708711 - analyser, analyzer
hyponym 102987047 - cauterant, cautery
hyponym 103231160 - drafting_instrument
hyponym 103288003 - engine
hyponym 103308152 - extractor
hyponym 103575691 - instrument_of_execution
hyponym 103575958 - instrument_of_punishment
hyponym 103733925 - measuring_device, measuring_instrument, measuring_system
hyponym 103739693 - medical_instrument
hyponym 103813176 - navigational_instrument
hyponym 103852280 - optical_instrument
hyponym 103967396 - plotter
hyponym 104147495 - scientific_instrument
hyponym 104260589 - sonograph
hyponym 104365484 - surveying_instrument, surveyor's_instrument
hyponym 104463017 - tracer
hyponym 104565375 - arm, weapon, weapon_system
hyponym 104577769 - whip

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