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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103497657

Words: chapeau, hat, lid

Gloss: headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim

hypernym 103502509 - headdress, headgear
derivationally related 110162354 - hatmaker, hatter, milliner, modiste
derivationally related 202363128 - hat
derivationally related 200047172 - hat
hyponym 102817516 - bearskin, busby, shako
hyponym 102859184 - Panama, Panama_hat, boater, leghorn, sailor, skimmer, straw_hat
hyponym 102869837 - bonnet, poke_bonnet
hyponym 102881757 - bowler, bowler_hat, derby, derby_hat, plug_hat
part meronym 102902079 - brim
hyponym 102945964 - campaign_hat
hyponym 102987379 - cavalier_hat, slouch_hat
hyponym 103061050 - cocked_hat
hyponym 103124170 - cowboy_hat, ten-gallon_hat
part meronym 103138534 - crown
hyponym 103170872 - deerstalker
hyponym 103237416 - beaver, dress_hat, high_hat, opera_hat, silk_hat, stovepipe, top_hat, topper
hyponym 103256631 - dunce's_cap, dunce_cap, fool's_cap
hyponym 103325941 - Stetson, fedora, felt_hat, homburg, trilby
hyponym 103404360 - fur_hat
part meronym 103498316 - hatband
hyponym 103766322 - millinery, woman's_hat
hyponym 104208582 - shovel_hat
hyponym 104248507 - snap-brim_hat
hyponym 104259630 - sombrero
hyponym 104264361 - sou'wester
hyponym 104356595 - sun_hat, sunhat
hyponym 104441528 - titfer
hyponym 104456011 - toque
hyponym 104505888 - tirolean, tyrolean

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