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English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103419014

Words: garment

Gloss: an article of clothing; "garments of the finest silk"

hypernym 103051540 - article_of_clothing, clothing, habiliment, vesture, wear, wearable
derivationally related 200047945 - apparel, clothe, dress, enclothe, fit_out, garb, garment, habilitate, raiment, tog
part meronym 102738978 - armhole
part meronym 102784732 - band, banding, stripe
part meronym 102876084 - bosom
hyponym 102896294 - breechcloth, breechclout, loincloth
hyponym 102922578 - burka, burqa
part meronym 102928930 - button_hole, buttonhole
hyponym 102944375 - camlet
part meronym 103162714 - dart
hyponym 103188531 - diaper, napkin, nappy
part meronym 103308853 - eyehole, eyelet
part meronym 103373060 - fly, fly_front
hyponym 103404149 - fur
hyponym 103450734 - gown, scrubs, surgical_gown
part meronym 103471190 - gusset, inset
hyponym 103475421 - haick, haik
hyponym 103487642 - hand-me-down
hyponym 103502331 - head_covering, veil
hyponym 103540090 - hose
hyponym 103585875 - ironing
part meronym 103591901 - dag, jag
part meronym 103592055 - jag
hyponym 103605598 - jump_suit, jumpsuit
hyponym 103608504 - kanzu
hyponym 103648219 - laundry, wash, washables, washing
hyponym 103655072 - leg_covering, legging, leging
hyponym 103657511 - body_suit, cat_suit, leotard, unitard
part meronym 103673270 - liner, lining
hyponym 103745487 - mending
hyponym 103789794 - motley
part meronym 103814112 - neck, neck_opening
hyponym 103816005 - neckwear
hyponym 103863923 - outer_garment, overgarment
hyponym 103913930 - peplos, peplum, peplus
part meronym 103972524 - pocket
hyponym 104046277 - raglan
hyponym 104085574 - reversible
hyponym 104097866 - robe
hyponym 104104770 - romper, romper_suit
hyponym 104123317 - sackcloth
hyponym 104143492 - scapular, scapulary
hyponym 104143897 - scarf
hyponym 104160261 - sealskin
hyponym 104172904 - separate
hyponym 104197391 - shirt
part meronym 104207151 - shoulder
hyponym 104219580 - silks
hyponym 104230808 - skirt
part meronym 104231272 - skirt
part meronym 104236377 - arm, sleeve
hyponym 104325804 - stomacher
hyponym 104332580 - straightjacket, straitjacket
hyponym 104350905 - suit, suit_of_clothes
hyponym 104357531 - sunsuit
hyponym 104367950 - swaddling_bands, swaddling_clothes
hyponym 104370048 - jumper, sweater
hyponym 104370774 - sweat_suit, sweats, sweatsuit, workout_suit
hyponym 104371563 - bathing_costume, bathing_suit, swimming_costume, swimsuit, swimwear
hyponym 104488530 - trouser
hyponym 104489008 - pant, trouser
hyponym 104508163 - undergarment, unmentionable
hyponym 104531873 - vest, waistcoat
hyponym 104570532 - weeds, widow's_weeds
hyponym 104574067 - wet_suit
hyponym 104605572 - wraparound
part meronym 104613015 - yoke
part meronym 108583554 - hipline

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