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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103385557

Words: fortification, munition

Gloss: defensive structure consisting of walls or mounds built around a stronghold to strengthen it

hypernym 103171356 - defence, defense, defensive_structure
derivationally related 201606205 - fort, fortify
hyponym 102805983 - bastion
hyponym 102920503 - bunker, dugout
hyponym 102980441 - castle
hyponym 103171910 - defilade
hyponym 103291551 - entrenchment, intrenchment
hyponym 103296328 - escarp, escarpment, protective_embankment, scarp
hyponym 103334382 - fieldwork
hyponym 103697812 - lunette
instance hyponym 103705134 - Maginot_Line
hyponym 103878963 - palisade
hyponym 103889503 - breastwork, parapet
part meronym 104051825 - bulwark, rampart, wall
hyponym 104066476 - redoubt
instance hyponym 104216508 - Siegfried_line
hyponym 104322531 - stockade

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