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Gloss: a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry; "the assembly plant is an enormous facility"
hypernym 100021939 - artefact, artifact
derivationally related 201570108 - establish, instal, install, set_up
hyponym 102687992 - airfield, field, flying_field, landing_field
hyponym 102733075 - arboretum, botanical_garden
hyponym 102752311 - athletic_facility
hyponym 102770441 - backroom
hyponym 102936020 - cafeteria_facility
hyponym 103077958 - communication_equipment, communication_system
hyponym 103119790 - course
hyponym 103177349 - deposit, depositary, depository, repository
hyponym 103243501 - drive-in
hyponym 103386420 - assembly, forum, meeting_place
hyponym 103425956 - gas_system
hyponym 103745146 - menagerie, zoo, zoological_garden
hyponym 103763133 - military_installation
hyponym 103997027 - grid, power_grid, power_system
hyponym 104053218 - range
hyponym 104065132 - recreation_facility, recreational_facility
hyponym 104178897 - sewage_system, sewage_works, sewer_system
hyponym 104263614 - source
hyponym 104306080 - station
hyponym 104473432 - transit, transportation, transportation_system
hyponym 104516874 - utility
hyponym 104562658 - water, water_supply, water_system
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