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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103058107

Words: coat, coating

Gloss: a thin layer covering something; "a second coat of paint"

hypernym 103122748 - covering
derivationally related 201262321 - cake, coat
derivationally related 201264283 - coat, surface
derivationally related 201262321 - cake, coat
derivationally related 201264283 - coat, surface
hyponym 102845985 - bitumastic
hyponym 103058949 - coat_of_paint
hyponym 103284482 - emulsion, photographic_emulsion
hyponym 103284743 - enamel
hyponym 103315990 - facing, veneer
hyponym 103342657 - finish_coat, finishing_coat
hyponym 103437430 - gilding, gilt
hyponym 103631811 - lacquer
hyponym 103863657 - overcoat, overcoating
hyponym 103875218 - paint, pigment
hyponym 103899612 - patina
hyponym 103963028 - metal_plating, plating
hyponym 104075715 - rendering
hyponym 104159545 - seal
hyponym 104521987 - varnish
hyponym 104525417 - veneer, veneering
hyponym 104561857 - waterproofing

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