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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103046257

Words: clock

Gloss: a timepiece that shows the time of day

hypernym 104437953 - horologe, timekeeper, timepiece
derivationally related 200490968 - clock, time
hyponym 102694662 - alarm, alarm_clock
hyponym 102708093 - analog_clock
instance hyponym 102836766 - Big_Ben
hyponym 103027001 - chronometer
part meronym 103046657 - clock_dial, clock_face
hyponym 103145147 - cuckoo_clock
hyponym 103196217 - digital_clock
hyponym 103271260 - electric_clock
part meronym 103407865 - fusee, fusee_drive
part meronym 103795758 - movement
hyponym 103909406 - pendulum_clock
hyponym 104378024 - system_clock
hyponym 104437276 - time_clock
hyponym 104502059 - turret_clock
hyponym 104548280 - wall_clock
hyponym 104558347 - clepsydra, water_clock, water_glass

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