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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 102908217

Words: brush

Gloss: an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle

hypernym 103563967 - implement
derivationally related 201243982 - brush
derivationally related 201243809 - brush
derivationally related 200555780 - brush
hyponym 102877642 - bottlebrush
part meronym 102902535 - bristle
hyponym 102902687 - bristle_brush
hyponym 103050453 - clothesbrush
hyponym 103475581 - hairbrush
part meronym 103485997 - grip, handgrip, handle, hold
hyponym 103805180 - nailbrush
hyponym 103876231 - paintbrush
hyponym 104122349 - sable, sable's_hair_pencil, sable_brush
hyponym 104156140 - scrub_brush, scrubber, scrubbing_brush
hyponym 104185946 - shaving_brush
hyponym 104453156 - toothbrush

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