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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 102876657

Words: bottle

Gloss: a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids; typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped

hypernym 104531098 - vessel
derivationally related 202283080 - bottle
derivationally related 201502279 - bottle
hyponym 102823428 - beer_bottle
part meronym 102877765 - bottlecap
hyponym 102960903 - carafe, decanter
hyponym 102962061 - carboy
hyponym 102985963 - catsup_bottle, ketchup_bottle
hyponym 103140431 - crewet, cruet
hyponym 103174450 - demijohn
hyponym 103359566 - flask
hyponym 103449451 - calabash, gourd
hyponym 103571625 - ink_bottle, inkpot
hyponym 103603722 - jug
part meronym 103794392 - mouth
hyponym 103923379 - ampoule, ampul, ampule, phial, vial
hyponym 103937543 - pill_bottle
hyponym 103983396 - pop_bottle, soda_bottle
hyponym 104246060 - smelling_bottle
hyponym 104271793 - specimen_bottle
hyponym 104557648 - water_bottle
hyponym 104579056 - whiskey_bottle
hyponym 104591713 - wine_bottle

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