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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102726305

Words: apartment, flat

Gloss: a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house

hypernym 103546340 - housing, living_accommodations, lodging
part holonym 102726681 - apartment_building, apartment_house
derivationally related 103361297 - flatlet
hyponym 102822064 - bedsit, bedsitter, bedsitting_room
hyponym 103067810 - cold-water_flat
hyponym 103257065 - duplex, duplex_apartment
hyponym 103265754 - efficiency_apartment
hyponym 103361297 - flatlet
part meronym 103620353 - kitchenette
hyponym 103713254 - maisonette, maisonnette
hyponym 103912821 - penthouse
hyponym 104047949 - railroad_flat
hyponym 104344734 - studio, studio_apartment
hyponym 104351550 - rooms, suite
hyponym 104546595 - walk-up, walk-up_apartment

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