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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102528163

Words: teleost, teleost_fish, teleostan

Gloss: a bony fish of the subclass Teleostei

hypernym 102514825 - bony_fish
member holonym 102527813 - Teleostei, subclass_Teleostei
hyponym 101428580 - malacopterygian, soft-finned_fish
hyponym 101454545 - cornetfish
hyponym 101455778 - needlefish, pipefish
hyponym 101457082 - bellows_fish, snipefish
hyponym 101457407 - shrimp-fish, shrimpfish
hyponym 101457852 - Aulostomus_maculatus, trumpetfish
hyponym 102549989 - billfish, gar, needlefish
hyponym 102550460 - flying_fish
hyponym 102551134 - halfbeak
hyponym 102551668 - Scomberesox_saurus, billfish, saury
hyponym 102552171 - acanthopterygian, spiny-finned_fish
hyponym 102603862 - sweeper
hyponym 102638596 - ganoid, ganoid_fish

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