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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102377703

Words: mount, riding_horse, saddle_horse

Gloss: a lightweight horse kept for riding only

hypernym 102374451 - Equus_caballus, horse
derivationally related 201923414 - bestride, climb_on, get_on, hop_on, jump_on, mount, mount_up
hyponym 102378149 - remount
hyponym 102378299 - palfrey
hyponym 102378415 - warhorse
hyponym 102378870 - prancer
hyponym 102378969 - hack
hyponym 102379081 - cow_pony
hyponym 102379183 - quarter_horse
hyponym 102379329 - Morgan
hyponym 102379430 - Plantation_walking_horse, Tennessee_walker, Tennessee_walking_horse, Walking_horse
hyponym 102379630 - American_saddle_horse
hyponym 102379743 - Appaloosa
hyponym 102379908 - Arab, Arabian
hyponym 102380052 - Lipizzan, Lippizan, Lippizaner
hyponym 102381004 - buckskin
hyponym 102381119 - crow-bait, crowbait
hyponym 102381261 - dun
hyponym 102381364 - gray, grey

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