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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102283201

Words: moth

Gloss: typically crepuscular or nocturnal insect having a stout body and feathery or hairlike antennae

hypernym 102274024 - lepidopteran, lepidopteron, lepidopterous_insect
derivationally related 302458408 - mothy
hyponym 102283617 - miller, moth_miller
hyponym 102283951 - tortricid, tortricid_moth
hyponym 102285548 - lymantriid, tussock_moth
hyponym 102287004 - geometrid, geometrid_moth
hyponym 102288789 - pyralid, pyralid_moth
hyponym 102291220 - tineoid, tineoid_moth
hyponym 102293352 - gelechiid, gelechiid_moth
hyponym 102295064 - noctuid, noctuid_moth, owlet_moth
hyponym 102298541 - hawk_moth, hawkmoth, hummingbird_moth, sphingid, sphinx_moth
hyponym 102300173 - bombycid, bombycid_moth, silkworm_moth
hyponym 102301452 - saturniid, saturniid_moth
hyponym 102305407 - arctiid, arctiid_moth
hyponym 102306433 - lasiocampid, lasiocampid_moth
hyponym 102307176 - Malacosoma_americana, tent-caterpillar_moth

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