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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102103406

Words: working_dog

Gloss: any of several breeds of usually large powerful dogs bred to work as draft animals and guard and guide dogs

hypernym 102084071 - Canis_familiaris, dog, domestic_dog
hyponym 102103841 - guard_dog, watchdog
hyponym 102104523 - sheep_dog, sheepdog, shepherd_dog
hyponym 102106854 - police_dog
hyponym 102107420 - Sennenhunde
hyponym 102108089 - boxer
hyponym 102108254 - mastiff
hyponym 102108422 - bull_mastiff
hyponym 102108672 - English_bulldog, bulldog
hyponym 102109047 - Great_Dane
hyponym 102109150 - guide_dog
hyponym 102109391 - hearing_dog
hyponym 102109525 - Saint_Bernard, St_Bernard
hyponym 102109687 - seizure-alert_dog
hyponym 102109811 - sled_dog, sledge_dog
hyponym 102109961 - Eskimo_dog, husky

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