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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102087551

Words: hound, hound_dog

Gloss: any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping ears

hypernym 102087122 - hunting_dog
member holonym 107994941 - pack
derivationally related 202003601 - hound, hunt, trace
hyponym 102088094 - Afghan, Afghan_hound
hyponym 102088238 - basset, basset_hound
hyponym 102088364 - beagle
hyponym 102088466 - bloodhound, sleuthhound
hyponym 102088632 - bluetick
hyponym 102088745 - boarhound
hyponym 102088839 - coonhound
hyponym 102089555 - foxhound
hyponym 102090129 - harrier
hyponym 102090253 - Plott_hound
hyponym 102090379 - redbone
hyponym 102090475 - wolfhound
hyponym 102090827 - greyhound
hyponym 102091244 - Ibizan_Podenco, Ibizan_hound
hyponym 102091467 - Norwegian_elkhound, elkhound
hyponym 102091635 - otter_hound, otterhound
hyponym 102091831 - Saluki, gazelle_hound
hyponym 102092002 - Scottish_deerhound, deerhound
hyponym 102092173 - staghound
hyponym 102092339 - Weimaraner

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