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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102022684

Words: limicoline_bird, shore_bird, shorebird

Gloss: any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries

hypernym 102000954 - wader, wading_bird
member holonym 102022135 - Charadrii, suborder_Charadrii
hyponym 102023341 - plover
hyponym 102026059 - sandpiper
hyponym 102026629 - Aphriza_virgata, surfbird
hyponym 102030996 - woodcock
hyponym 102031934 - snipe
hyponym 102033561 - curlew
hyponym 102034129 - godwit
hyponym 102034661 - Himantopus_stilt, long-legs, longlegs, stilt, stilt_plover, stiltbird
hyponym 102036053 - Australian_stilt, stilt
hyponym 102036711 - avocet
hyponym 102037110 - oyster_catcher, oystercatcher
hyponym 102037464 - phalarope
hyponym 102038993 - glareole, pratincole
hyponym 102039171 - courser
hyponym 102040266 - Burhinus_oedicnemus, stone_curlew, thick-knee

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