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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101930112

Words: nematode, nematode_worm, roundworm

Gloss: unsegmented worms with elongated rounded body pointed at both ends; mostly free-living but some are parasitic

hypernym 101922303 - worm
member holonym 101929396 - Aschelminthes, Nematoda, phylum_Aschelminthes, phylum_Nematoda
hyponym 101930852 - Ascaris_lumbricoides, common_roundworm
hyponym 101931140 - Ascaridia_galli, chicken_roundworm
hyponym 101931520 - Enterobius_vermicularis, pinworm, threadworm
hyponym 101931714 - eelworm
hyponym 101932643 - Tylenchus_tritici, wheat_eel, wheat_eelworm, wheatworm
hyponym 101932936 - Trichinella_spiralis, trichina
hyponym 101933151 - hookworm
hyponym 101933478 - filaria
hyponym 101933988 - Dracunculus_medinensis, Guinea_worm

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