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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101921559

Words: worm_family

Gloss: a family of worms

hypernym 108107499 - family
member holonym 101313093 - Animalia, animal_kingdom, kingdom_Animalia
hyponym 101926090 - Fasciolidae, family_Fasciolidae
hyponym 101926840 - Schistosomatidae, family_Schistosomatidae
hyponym 101927665 - Taeniidae, family_Taeniidae
hyponym 101930485 - Ascaridae, family_Ascaridae
hyponym 101931277 - Oxyuridae, family_Oxyuridae
hyponym 101931845 - Cephalobidae, family_Cephalobidae
hyponym 101932358 - Tylenchidae, family_Tylenchidae
hyponym 101932800 - Ancylostomatidae, family_Ancylostomatidae
hyponym 101933342 - Filariidae, family_Filariidae
hyponym 101933686 - Dracunculidae, family_Dracunculidae
hyponym 101935743 - Branchiobdellidae, family_Branchiobdellidae
hyponym 101937015 - Terebellidae, family_Terebellidae
hyponym 101938155 - Hirudinidae, family_Hirudinidae

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