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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101896031

Words: feather, plumage, plume

Gloss: the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds

hypernym 105237755 - body_covering
hypernym 114755804 - animal_material
part holonym 101503061 - bird
derivationally related 201680132 - plume
derivationally related 201392080 - plume, preen
derivationally related 300998207 - featherlike, feathery
derivationally related 300998040 - feathery
derivationally related 300058554 - feathered, feathery, plumy
derivationally related 201272798 - feather
derivationally related 200094312 - feather, fledge
hyponym 101896561 - down, down_feather
hyponym 101897257 - aftershaft
hyponym 101897536 - contour_feather
hyponym 101897667 - alula, bastard_wing, spurious_wing
hyponym 101897851 - marabou
part meronym 101897991 - vane, web
hyponym 101898459 - hackle
part meronym 102468617 - calamus, quill, shaft
hyponym 102468864 - flight_feather, pinion, quill, quill_feather
hyponym 102469248 - scapular
substance meronym 114732472 - ceratin, keratin
substance meronym 114757172 - melanin

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