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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101886756

Words: eutherian, eutherian_mammal, placental, placental_mammal

Gloss: mammals having a placenta; all mammals except monotremes and marsupials

hypernym 101861778 - mammal, mammalian
member holonym 101886220 - Eutheria, subclass_Eutheria
derivationally related 301830946 - placental
hyponym 101887474 - farm_animal, livestock, stock
hyponym 101887623 - bull
hyponym 101887787 - cow
hyponym 101888181 - yearling
hyponym 101888264 - buck
hyponym 101888411 - doe
hyponym 101889074 - insectivore
hyponym 102062017 - aquatic_mammal
hyponym 102075296 - carnivore
hyponym 102082056 - Fissipedia
hyponym 102082791 - Orycteropus_afer, aardvark, ant_bear, anteater
hyponym 102139199 - bat, chiropteran
hyponym 102323449 - gnawing_mammal, lagomorph
hyponym 102329401 - gnawer, rodent
hyponym 102370525 - Ungulata
hyponym 102370806 - hoofed_mammal, ungulate
hyponym 102371125 - Unguiculata
hyponym 102371344 - unguiculate, unguiculate_mammal
hyponym 102372584 - coney, cony, das, dassie, hyrax
hyponym 102453108 - pachyderm
hyponym 102453611 - edentate
hyponym 102461830 - anteater, pangolin, scaly_anteater
hyponym 102469914 - primate
hyponym 102495242 - tree_shrew
hyponym 102502514 - colugo, flying_cat, flying_lemur
hyponym 102503127 - proboscidean, proboscidian
hyponym 102506947 - plantigrade, plantigrade_mammal
hyponym 102507148 - digitigrade, digitigrade_mammal

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