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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101855672

Words: goose

Gloss: web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks

hypernym 101845477 - anseriform_bird
member holonym 101845627 - Anatidae, family_Anatidae
member holonym 107992116 - gaggle
derivationally related 101856072 - gosling
hyponym 101856072 - gosling
hyponym 101856155 - gander
hyponym 101856380 - Anser_cygnoides, Chinese_goose
hyponym 101856553 - Anser_anser, graylag, graylag_goose, greylag, greylag_goose
hyponym 101856890 - Chen_caerulescens, blue_goose
hyponym 101857325 - brant, brant_goose, brent, brent_goose
hyponym 101857632 - Branta_canadensis, Canada_goose, Canadian_goose, honker
hyponym 101857851 - Branta_leucopsis, barnacle, barnacle_goose
part meronym 101896960 - goose_down
part meronym 107646821 - goose

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