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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 101816887

Words: parrot

Gloss: usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds

hypernym 101503061 - bird
member holonym 101816635 - Psittaciformes, order_Psittaciformes
hyponym 101817263 - popinjay
hyponym 101817346 - poll, poll_parrot
hyponym 101817953 - African_gray, African_grey, Psittacus_erithacus
hyponym 101818299 - amazon
hyponym 101818515 - macaw
hyponym 101818832 - Nestor_notabilis, kea
hyponym 101819115 - cockatoo
hyponym 101819734 - Nymphicus_hollandicus, cockateel, cockatiel, cockatoo_parrot
hyponym 101820052 - lovebird
hyponym 101820348 - lory
hyponym 101821203 - parakeet, paraquet, paroquet, parrakeet, parroket, parroquet

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