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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101754876

Words: rattler, rattlesnake

Gloss: pit viper with horny segments at the end of the tail that rattle when shaken

hypernym 101753959 - pit_viper
member holonym 101753721 - Crotalidae, family_Crotalidae
derivationally related 201890626 - rattle
part meronym 101754737 - rattle
hyponym 101755581 - Crotalus_adamanteus, diamondback, diamondback_rattlesnake
hyponym 101755740 - Crotalus_horridus_horridus, banded_rattlesnake, timber_rattlesnake
hyponym 101756089 - Crotalus_viridis, Western_rattlesnake, prairie_rattler, prairie_rattlesnake
hyponym 101756291 - Crotalus_cerastes, horned_rattlesnake, sidewinder
hyponym 101756508 - Crotalus_atrox, Western_diamondback, Western_diamondback_rattlesnake
hyponym 101756733 - Crotalus_lepidus, rock_rattlesnake
hyponym 101756916 - Crotalus_tigris, tiger_rattlesnake
hyponym 101757115 - Crotalus_scutulatus, Mojave_rattlesnake
hyponym 101757343 - Crotalus_mitchellii, speckled_rattlesnake
hyponym 101757677 - Sistrurus_catenatus, massasauga, massasauga_rattler
hyponym 101757901 - Sistrurus_miliaris, ground_rattler, massasauga

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