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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101674464

Words: lizard

Gloss: relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail

hypernym 101674216 - saurian
hyponym 101674990 - gecko
hyponym 101676755 - iguanid, iguanid_lizard
hyponym 101683201 - worm_lizard
hyponym 101683558 - night_lizard
hyponym 101684133 - scincid, scincid_lizard, skink
hyponym 101685439 - teiid, teiid_lizard
hyponym 101687665 - agamid, agamid_lizard
hyponym 101689411 - anguid_lizard
hyponym 101691217 - legless_lizard
hyponym 101691652 - Lanthanotus_borneensis
hyponym 101691951 - venomous_lizard
hyponym 101692864 - lacertid, lacertid_lizard
hyponym 101693783 - chamaeleon, chameleon
hyponym 101694709 - monitor, monitor_lizard, varan

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