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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101662784

Words: turtle

Gloss: any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming

hypernym 101662622 - chelonian, chelonian_reptile
hyponym 101663401 - marine_turtle, sea_turtle
hyponym 101665932 - snapping_turtle
hyponym 101667114 - mud_turtle
hyponym 101667778 - terrapin
hyponym 101668436 - Pseudemys_rubriventris, red-bellied_terrapin, red-bellied_turtle, redbelly
hyponym 101668665 - Pseudemys_scripta, slider, yellow-bellied_terrapin
hyponym 101668892 - Pseudemys_concinna, cooter, river_cooter
hyponym 101669191 - box_tortoise, box_turtle
hyponym 101669654 - Chrysemys_picta, painted_terrapin, painted_tortoise, painted_turtle
hyponym 101670092 - tortoise
hyponym 101672032 - pancake_turtle, soft-shelled_turtle
part meronym 101903756 - carapace, cuticle, shell, shield
part meronym 101904029 - plastron

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