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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101639765

Words: anuran, batrachian, frog, salientian, toad, toad_frog

Gloss: any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species

hypernym 101627424 - amphibian
derivationally related 302631238 - anuran, batrachian, salientian
derivationally related 302631238 - anuran, batrachian, salientian
derivationally related 201382818 - frog
hyponym 101640846 - ranid, true_frog
hyponym 101642943 - leptodactylid, leptodactylid_frog
hyponym 101643255 - robber_frog
hyponym 101643507 - Hylactophryne_augusti, barking_frog, robber_frog
hyponym 101643896 - Leptodactylus_pentadactylus, South_American_bullfrog, crapaud
hyponym 101644373 - tree-frog, tree_frog
hyponym 101644900 - Ascaphus_trui, bell_toad, ribbed_toad, tailed_frog, tailed_toad
hyponym 101645466 - Liopelma_hamiltoni
hyponym 101645776 - true_toad
hyponym 101648139 - Alytes_obstetricans, midwife_toad, obstetrical_toad
hyponym 101648356 - Alytes_cisternasi, midwife_toad
hyponym 101648620 - Bombina_bombina, fire-bellied_toad
hyponym 101649170 - spadefoot, spadefoot_toad
hyponym 101650167 - tree-frog, tree_frog, tree_toad
hyponym 101653026 - Gastrophryne_olivacea, western_narrow-mouthed_toad
hyponym 101653223 - Gastrophryne_carolinensis, eastern_narrow-mouthed_toad
hyponym 101653509 - sheep_frog
hyponym 101653773 - tongueless_frog
hyponym 101654863 - South_American_poison_toad

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