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Noun Synset: 101503061

Words: bird

Gloss: warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings

hypernym 101471682 - craniate, vertebrate
member holonym 101502262 - Aves, class_Aves
member holonym 107990956 - flock
derivationally related 201139865 - bird, birdwatch
member topic 302694784 - chirpy
hyponym 101503976 - dickey-bird, dickeybird, dicky-bird, dickybird
hyponym 101514668 - cock
hyponym 101514859 - hen
hyponym 101514926 - nester
hyponym 101515078 - night_bird
hyponym 101515303 - bird_of_passage
hyponym 101515583 - protoavis
hyponym 101516212 - Archaeopteryx_lithographica, archaeopteryx, archeopteryx
hyponym 101516609 - Sinornis
hyponym 101517036 - Ibero-mesornis
hyponym 101517389 - archaeornis
hyponym 101517565 - flightless_bird, ratite, ratite_bird
hyponym 101517966 - carinate, carinate_bird, flying_bird
hyponym 101524359 - passeriform_bird, passerine
hyponym 101524761 - nonpasserine_bird
hyponym 101604330 - bird_of_prey, raptor, raptorial_bird
part meronym 101758308 - beak, bill, neb, nib, pecker
hyponym 101789386 - gallinacean, gallinaceous_bird
hyponym 101816887 - parrot
hyponym 101822602 - cuculiform_bird
hyponym 101825930 - coraciiform_bird
hyponym 101831712 - apodiform_bird
hyponym 101834918 - caprimulgiform_bird
hyponym 101838038 - piciform_bird
hyponym 101844231 - trogon
hyponym 101844917 - aquatic_bird
part meronym 101895355 - furcula
part meronym 101896031 - feather, plumage, plume
part meronym 102151625 - wing
part meronym 102152446 - pennon, pinion
part meronym 102154416 - bird's_foot
part meronym 102158354 - uropygium
part meronym 102463611 - croup, croupe, hindquarters, rump
part meronym 102467746 - air_sac
part meronym 102468017 - preen_gland, uropygial_gland
part meronym 102511633 - syrinx
hyponym 102511730 - twitterer
part meronym 107644382 - bird, fowl

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