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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101482330

Words: shark

Gloss: any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales

hypernym 101482071 - elasmobranch, selachian
derivationally related 201143614 - shark
hyponym 101483021 - Hexanchus_griseus, cow_shark, six-gilled_shark
hyponym 101483522 - mackerel_shark
hyponym 101486010 - Alopius_vulpinus, fox_shark, thrasher, thresher, thresher_shark
hyponym 101486540 - Orectolobus_barbatus, carpet_shark
hyponym 101486838 - Ginglymostoma_cirratum, nurse_shark
hyponym 101487506 - Carcharias_taurus, Odontaspis_taurus, sand_shark, sand_tiger
hyponym 101488038 - Rhincodon_typus, whale_shark
hyponym 101488385 - cat_shark
hyponym 101488918 - requiem_shark
hyponym 101491874 - dogfish
hyponym 101494475 - hammerhead, hammerhead_shark
hyponym 101495493 - Squatina_squatina, angel_shark, angelfish, monkfish

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