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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101421807

Words: sporozoan

Gloss: parasitic spore-forming protozoan

hypernym 101389507 - protozoan, protozoon
member holonym 101421496 - Sporozoa, class_Sporozoa
hyponym 101422185 - sporozoite
hyponym 101422335 - trophozoite
hyponym 101422450 - merozoite
hyponym 101423302 - coccidium, eimeria
hyponym 101423617 - gregarine
hyponym 101423971 - haemosporidian
hyponym 101424420 - Plasmodium_vivax, malaria_parasite, plasmodium
hyponym 101424782 - haemoproteid
hyponym 101425223 - leucocytozoan, leucocytozoon
hyponym 101425634 - piroplasm
hyponym 101426314 - sarcocystidean, sarcocystieian, sarcosporidian
hyponym 101426625 - haplosporidian
hyponym 101427143 - actinomyxidian
hyponym 101427399 - microsporidian
hyponym 101427703 - myxosporidian

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