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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100929718

Words: authorship, composition, penning, writing

Gloss: the act of creating written works; "writing was a form of therapy for him"; "it was a matter of disputed authorship"

hypernym 100929586 - verbal_creation
derivationally related 201698271 - compose, indite, pen, write
derivationally related 201698271 - compose, indite, pen, write
derivationally related 110794014 - author, writer
derivationally related 201698271 - compose, indite, pen, write
hyponym 100930481 - adoxography
hyponym 100930736 - drafting
hyponym 100930868 - dramatisation, dramatization
hyponym 100931040 - fabrication, fictionalisation, fictionalization
hyponym 100931217 - historiography
hyponym 100931300 - metrification
hyponym 100931453 - novelisation, novelization
hyponym 100931608 - redaction
hyponym 100931721 - lexicography
hyponym 107093489 - versification
member topic 201698271 - compose, indite, pen, write
member topic 201699172 - write_about, write_of, write_on
member topic 201699346 - profile
member topic 201699539 - paragraph
member topic 201700655 - dash_off, fling_off, knock_off, scratch_off, toss_off
member topic 201700934 - rewrite
member topic 201701152 - write_copy
member topic 201701311 - adopt, dramatise, dramatize
member topic 201701634 - draft, outline
member topic 201704452 - author
member topic 201704631 - co-author
member topic 201704752 - ghost, ghostwrite
member topic 201704953 - annotate, footnote
member topic 201705257 - cite, reference
member topic 201754576 - write_out, write_up
member topic 201756719 - script

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